Giant Burger seeks people with big appetites

Giant Burger (Springfield, Oregon)

Springfield, Oregon (KMTR) – Pull this one off and you end up on the Wall of Fame. “Wimp out,” and it’s the Wall of Shame.

Giant Burger Restaurant in Springfield is now featuring a five-pound hamburger. Anyone who can finish the burger—including the one-pound bun—plus five pounds of fries in one hour will get the $39.95 meal free.

Tyler Rhodes of Springfield was the first to try it.

He started out well, but at the half-hour mark, things didn’t look so promising. In another 15 minutes, neither did Tyler!

He finally quit with 10 minutes and about six pounds to go.

“The fries are filling,” he said, “so is the hamburger. It was a little bit… stuffing…”

More than 65 people are already signed up to take the challenge. Those brave enough to join them may sign up at Giant Burger on Main Street in Springfield.

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